What can I do to block the TP-LINK Mini Pocket Router?

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Hello everyone! Browsing the internet I have found the new device called TP-LINK Mini Pocket Router. What can I possibly do to block its work completely?

Hi Nathan!

TP-LINK made a nice wireless device that can be very helpful at some situations. It is really small, thus you would be able to hide it in your pocket at ease. It can be powered from electrical outlet or USB cable, that is great too. And to create the WiFi hot spot you can connect this Mini Pocket Router to the local Ethernet cable, USB modem or to the 3G wireless network.

As you can see, there are plenty of wireless signals that must be handled in order to deal with this small yet very impressive device. When you need to be absolutely sure that this portable WiFi hot spot is not doing what it is supposed to do, you need to use TP-LINK Mini Pocket Router jammer because this device would block both 3G and WiFi signals used by it.

In the opposition of portable devices you can always count on signal jammers because as the practice and experience shows - they are always winning! ;)

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