Can someone use Pebble and Twine against me?

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Hi folks! Those Pebble smart watch and Twine sensor from Kickstarter are cool things to have but can they be used in the wrong way by anybody?

Hi Jamie!

As far as I know, Pebble smart watch and Twine sensor were separate projects at Kickstarter but they have decided to unite into one awesome gadget cocktail. Their decision was thought well and it brought us many opportunities as to how we can use this new technological mixture to improve the quality of our life and make it more comfortable.

Twine is a small box with bunch of sensors and WiFi connectivity inside. Pebble smart watch uses Bluetooth connection to get data from your iPhone or Android smartphone. Their work lies in this: Twine sensor receives a signal and sends a message over its WiFi connection to your smartphone and Pebble smart watch reads it and using Bluetooth connection shows it on its screen.

Despite the obvious usefulness of this technological symbiosis (for example, you can place Twine sensor at your door and get a message when someone is knocking on it) Twine and Pebble might also be misused in the similar way (the bad guy can place Twine sensor at your door and know when you leave your house or come back home). But you can block Twine and Pebble wireless connections and prevent any bad consequences of evil people's deeds.

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