Are those DARPA implants dangerous?

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Hola amigos! I have read about implants for soldiers to track some health issues. Will those DARPA implants be used on common people and can they be possibly dangerous?

Hello Carlos!

DARPA plans to use those biological implants on soldiers in the future but nowadays this project is on the stage of testing on animals. For you to better understand the whole situation, those are not implants like arm or leg. These are tiny implanted body sensors, created to track the patient's health for 24 hours a day. In the first place they were created as an attempt to improve the soldiers' health condition and diet monitoring, thus improving the effectiveness of their training. But in the future things may change.

Want to know what I am talking about? I'm talking about the hospitals for common people. The doctor that may cure you would use those sensors implanted in your body to track the changes in your condition and to improve the effectiveness of your healing. There will be no harm in it, at least I hope so. You know, they will probably do all necessary tests before making those body sensor implants commonly used in all hospitals across the country.

Still there might be some danger hidden underneath all of this. You see, the military forces are always using their chance to get more information about all of us, so it is quite possible that those implanted sensors would be equipped with GPS trackers to instantly know the location of all patients with them inside. Do you want it? Probably not. So if you need such health sensors in the future, the only option you have is to prevent DARPA body implants from tracking your location, hitting two birds with one stone.

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